Friday, September 10, 2010

Eliminating Stress

We have officially accepted stress as an everyday, unavoidable black cloud that follows us wherever we go. It’s in the car. It’s in the office. It’s at home. Stress is waiting around every corner with it’s sharp edges ready to chip away at our most complete selves. Stress heightens our blood pressure, making us irritable and tired. It causes our bodies to lock up and feel limited in the activities we used to be able to do. Whether we realize it or not, stress is a significant ingredient in what weighs us down.

It is a difficult concept to realize in one’s self. We get lost in the day to day hustle and bustle; each new day elicits tasks and responsibilities. We forget to take a moment to consider how we feel both physically and emotionally. “But I have to take the car to the shop……”

Let me empower you with the idea of massage therapy. My job, my passion in life is to help people feel good; to encourage each individual to gain control of their own well-being arm them with a protective shield against stress. No phones, no traffic, no kids; a calm and soothing environment for you to let go and tune in. To work the knots out, to replace the dull ache with vibrant mobility. To bring you back to a place when you felt strong and energetic.

It’s seemingly too simple a solution. How can a massage combat the negative effects of stressful situations that face us when we wake up every day? The answer is that massage is part of the solution, and restitution happens a little in small steps. “But I just don’t have the time…”

Saying you don’t have the time is just like saying yes to sore neck and shoulder muscles. Saying you don’t have the time allows stress to work it’s dark magic and slowly suck the metaphorical breath right out of you. Enough of the bad stuff; let’s talk benefits.

Massage improves circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid. Healthy, hearty oxygenated blood to limbs and muscles make the body happy! Massage is an excellent compliment to exercise and stretching, which also promote fluid movement. Massage eases tense muscles. Have you ever had that pain in the neck and shoulders that keeps you from looking over your shoulder? The pain that intensifies after long days and commutes? Massage can really help that. Better yet, massage can keep it from coming back; it’s just a tight muscle.


Massage increases immune system functions. Healthy, non-restricted blood carries antibodies to all parts of your body, and contains cells that devour the metabolic wastes. Keep it clean and flowing! Keep your energy levels up. “Go ahead cold, make my day…”

Massage improves joint flexibility. Tight muscles anchor joints down. Lighten the load; decrease the tension and you’ll be doing the backstroke all the way home.

Massage promotes the feeling of wholeness. Do you ever feel disconnected from the waist down? Do you feel like your hands and feet are numb and restricted in movement? A full body massage works closely with your energy levels, bringing back into focus that you are a complete individual from head to toe. Get grounded!

And that’s just to name a few. Nevermind massage facilitates recovery from injury, relieves anxiety, calms the mind, brings to light self awareness, and overall feels really good…

No more excuses. A reason to avoid your well-being and simply endure the negative effects of stress does not exist. Get a massage. For your body, mind and spirit.

Jennifer Myers

Eight Tips for Managing Pain

Perhaps the hardest part of having arthritis or a related condition is the pain that usually accompanies it. Managing and understanding that pain, and the impact it has on one’s life, is a big issue with most arthritis sufferers. The first step in managing arthritis pain is knowing which type of arthritis or condition you have, because that will help determine your treatment. Before learning different management techniques, however, it's important to understand some concepts about pain.

No. 1: Not All Pain is Alike
Just as there are different types of arthritis, there are also different types of pain. Even your own pain may vary from day to day.

No. 2: The Purpose of Pain
Pain is your body's way of telling you that something is wrong, or that you need to act. If you touch a hot stove, pain signals from your brain tell you to pull your hand away. This type of pain helps protect you. Chronic, long-lasting pain, like the kind that accompanies arthritis, is different. While it tells you that something is wrong, it often isn't as easy to relieve.

No. 3: Causes of Pain
Arthritis pain is caused by several factors, such as (1) Inflammation, the process that causes the redness and swelling in your joints; (2) Damage to joint tissues, which results from the disease process or from stress, injury or pressure on the joints; (3) Fatigue resulting from the disease process, which can make pain worse and more difficult to bear; and (4) Depression or stress, which results from limited movement or no longer doing activities you enjoy.

No. 4: Pain Factors
Things such as stress, anxiety, depression or simply “overdoing it” can make pain worse. This often leads to a decrease in physical activity, causing further anxiety and depression, resulting in a downward spiral of ever-increasing pain.

No. 5: Different Reactions to Pain
People react differently to pain. Mentally, you can get caught in a cycle of pain, stress and depression, often resulting from the inability to perform certain functions, which makes managing pain and arthritis seem more difficult. Physically, pain increases the sensitivity of your nervous system and the severity of your arthritis. Emotional and social factors include your fears and anxieties about pain, previous experiences with pain, energy level, attitude about your condition and the way people around you react to pain.

No. 6: Managing Your Pain
Arthritis may limit some of the things you can do, but it doesn't have to control your life. One way to reduce your pain is to build your life around wellness, not pain or sickness. This means taking positive action. Your mind plays an important role in how you feel pain and respond to illness.

Many people with arthritis have found that by learning and practicing pain management skills, they can reduce their pain. Thinking of pain as a signal to take positive action rather than an ordeal you have to endure can help you learn to manage your pain. You can counteract the downward spiral of pain by practicing relaxation techniques, regular massage, hot and cold packs, moderate exercise, and keeping a positive mental outlook. And humor always has a cathartic effect.

No. 7: Don't focus on pain.
The amount of time you spend thinking about pain has a lot to do with how much discomfort you feel. People who dwell on their pain usually say their pain is worse than those who don't dwell on it. One way to take your mind off pain is to distract yourself from pain. Focus on something outside your body, perhaps a hobby or something of personal interest, to take your mind off your discomfort.

No. 8: Think positively. What we say to ourselves often determines what we do and how we look at life. A positive outlook will get you feeling better about yourself, and help to take your mind off your pain. Conversely, a negative outlook sends messages to yourself that often lead to increased pain, or at least the feeling that the pain is worse. So, “in with the good, and out with the bad.”

Reinforce your positive attitude by rewarding yourself each time you think about or do something positive. Take more time for yourself. Talk to your doctor about additional ways to manage pain.

Bruce Bailey, Ph.D.

Effexor XR is a potent inhibitor

Drug Uses

Effexor XR is a potent inhibitor of the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine-two neurotransmitters thought to play important roles in the pathophysiology of depression. Correcting the imbalance of these two chemicals may help relieve symptoms of depression.

How Taken

Effexor XR comes as a capsule to take by mouth. It is usually taken once a day and should be taken with food. Each capsule should be swallowed whole with fluid and not divided, crushed, chewed, or placed in water, or it may be administered by carefully opening the capsule and sprinkling the entire contents on a spoonful of applesauce. This drug/food mixture should be swallowed immediately without chewing and followed with a glass of water to ensure complete swallowing of the pellets.


Before starting Effexor XR, tell your doctor about any medicines you're taking, including over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements. If you take MAOIs you should not take Effexor XR. If you are taking antidepressants you should be watched closely for signs that your condition is getting worse or that you are becoming suicidal, especially when you first start therapy, or when your dose is increased or decreased. You should also be watched for becoming agitated, irritable, hostile, impulsive, or restless. Such symptoms should be reported to your doctor right away. Effexor XR may raise blood pressure in some patients, so blood pressure should be monitored regularly. When you suddenly stop using or quickly lower your daily dose of Effexor XR, discontinuation symptoms may occur. Talk to your doctor before discontinuing or reducing your dose of Effexor XR. Pregnant or nursing women shouldn't take any antidepressant without consulting their doctor. Until you see how Effexor XR affects you, be careful doing such activities as driving a car or operating machinery. Avoid drinking alcohol while taking Effexor XR.

Missed Dose

Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and take only the next one as directed. Do not take a double dose of this medication.

Possible Side Effects

If you experience any of the following serious side effects, stop taking Effexor XR and contact your doctor immediately or seek emergency medical treatment: an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of the throat; swelling of the lips, tongue, or face; or hives); seizures; or an irregular heartbeat or severely high blood pressure (blurred vision, headache). Other, less serious side effects may be more likely to occur. Continue to take Effexor XR and talk to your doctor if you experience nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, abdominal pain, or loss of appetite or weight; dry mouth; drowsiness or dizziness; mild tremor, anxiety, or agitation; insomnia; abnormal dreams; sexual problems such as impotence, abnormal ejaculation, difficulty reaching orgasm, or decreased libido; sweating; yawning; or increase in blood cholesterol levels (detected by blood tests); Side effects other than those listed here may also occur. Talk to your doctor about any side effect that seems unusual or that is especially bothersome.

Eczema and Psoriasis - An Inexpensive and Effective Treatment

The purpose of this article is to tell the world what I have learned from my own personal experience about an inexpensive and effective treatment for eczema. Because psoriasis is a very similar affliction, there's a good chance that this treatment would be effective for psoriasis too. Eczema is a skin irritation characterized by red, flaky skin that sometimes has cracks or tiny blisters. It's believed to be hereditary and if both parents have it, there is an 80% chance that their children will have it too.

Once upon a time, I had medical insurance coverage and I was able to afford any medication my doctor prescribed. I used to have a slew of little bottles and creams that were somewhat effective in relieving the itching, but nothing I ever tried had any effect whatsoever in terms of reducing the severity or frequency of eczema attacks. Topical applications of cortisone cream have a limited effect in terms of relieving the itching, but cortisone just suppresses eczema and can actually cause it to spread. There's a theory that eczema can be brought on by stress, and I believe that may be true. After experiencing a year long constant virulent attack during 2004 through 2005 when I was under severe stress, I decided to seek medical help in order to find out whether anything new had been discovered regarding eczema treatment. The only treatment I didn't already know about involves exposure to ultraviolet light radiation which is very expensive. For many years there have been medications that are taken internally, but all of them require regular blood testing for possible liver damage. For me, this is out of the question because any medication that is capable of causing liver damage comes under the category of unacceptable.

One day I was returning from a doctor visit when I passed a health food store, and I had some time to spend so I went in. The woman behind the counter turned out to be a certified nutritionist so I asked her whether she knew anything about eczema treatment that the doctors don't know about. She said "Yes, I do." I said "Really. Tell me." She brought out a small bottle of liquid zinc and told me that some of her customers had reported success with topical applications on their eczema sores. So I bought a bottle. I figured "What have I got to lose? Nothing. Twenty bucks, maybe." To my surprise, it relieved the itching and seemed to have some limited effect in reducing the inflammations. The health food store lady had told me that zinc is a healer so I started thinking about it. I remembered that Desitin is a very effective and well known treatment for baby rash and that the active ingredient is zinc oxide. I thought "If liquid zinc is effective topically, how much more effective could it be if I take it internally?" Being inherently cheap, I was a bit bothered by the idea of buying another small bottle of liquid zinc and I knew that zinc tablets are inexpensive. And that certainly appealed to my wallet. I discussed my idea with the nutritionist who agreed that it could work. So I began with the 75 mg. daily dose that the woman recommended and gradually worked my way upwards until I reached 200 mg. a day.

Eczema makes me so angry that I often curse "the eczema Nazis" each time the first blister occurs with the unmistakable itch that feels like it originates in my bones. I say to myself, "Damnation, I'm under attack again!" Now I say "Come on zinc, be John Wayne and kill every last one of those eczema Nazis!" Eight months after I began my inexpensive experiment with zinc taken internally, I can report real progress. Where previously one tiny eczema blister always signaled a serious outbreak, now it stops without spreading any further and heals very quickly. The indicative first blister is not necessarily accompanied by itching either. To me, this is very significant because it constitutes a completely new pattern that has never before manifested in my entire life.

If you want to try taking zinc internally, I'd recommend "chelated" zinc because zinc is a mineral and minerals are not easily absorbed into the bloodstream. Back in the early 1980's, the health food industry discovered that if minerals are chemically linked to something the body can easily absorb, they are far more effective. The chemists who invent these things decided to use amino acids which are natural proteins, and proteins are easily absorbable. The process of chemically linking a mineral to an amino acid is called chelation. I've written all this with a sincere desire to help others benefit from my experience and I really hope that somebody out there has found my article to be valuable.

Eating Bran to Eliminate Constipation

One reason many people are constipated is they don't eat a lot of fiber. Most people only eat about 8 mg of fiber per day. To have good health and have good elimination, you need around 30- 35 mg of fiber.

Eating bran is one of the quickest and best ways to increase your fiber. It will increase the weight and size of your stools more than the fiber contained in fruits or vegetables. Bran is the outer husk of the grain - wheat, corn, rice, and oat - which is indigestible.

It does not irritate the lining of the stomach, small intestine or your colon. It is not a laxative but promotes the movement fecal matter through your colon in a natural way. Unlike drugstore laxatives or other natural strong laxatives, bran does not quickly purge out all the contents in your colon.

Use one or two heaping tablespoon of bran in your morning cereal, in your baking, and in your smoothies.

Health Alert: When using bran, make sure you drink plenty of water during the day to keep your stools soft.

Here are some other ways to use bran. You can add them to,

" baked breads, muffins and other baked goods
" breaded mixes
" hamburger meat
" juices
" pancake or waffle mix
" salads
" scramble eggs
" soups
" soups
" stuffing
" vegetarian burger mix
" yogurt

When you put bran in juices or anything that is all liquid just eat it with a spoon.

How much bran should you take for good bowel regularity? Each person is different. You need to experiment. Start with two teaspoon each day and work towards 10 teaspoons a day or until you have bowel movements without effort or straining.

There are four basic bran products - wheat, corn, oat, and rice. They all provide a solid source of fiber in varying amounts. Make sure the bran you use is 100% unprocessed bran.

Use bran for a few weeks to get your bowel movements back to normal. Eating bran should get your bowels moving in a few days or less.

Once your bowels are back to normal, back off from using a lot of bran and depend more on fiber from eating more fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

There are many new products, which use bran added to other nutrients or powders. Although these can be useful, use them for a limit time.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Coping with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Allergies

I must preface this article with my belief that everyone is chemically sensitive, just some of us have a more severe reaction than others. I believe that has to do with the health of an individual's immune system. Keep in mind that I am not a medical professional, but I healed myself from my allergies and chemical sensitivities completely, using food as my medicine. All the information that I will share with you is from my experience. My story is located on my website.

First, I must say that severe multiple chemical sensitivity is a temporary condition. I always thought it was permanent and that my life was going to be this living hell until I realized that I could get better. I thought allergies in general were irreversible, but I am here to tell you they are temporary.

In the meantime, there are ways to cope.

Get a really good air purifier for your with coconut shell carbon. Standard carbon is petroleum based and tends to aggravate chemical sensitivities. You can even get one for your car. Try not to drive in rush hour and stay back from other cars' tailpipes.

Eliminate toxins from your home. There are those that you can control easily, like household cleaners and laundry detergents. It can be as simple as vinegar, soap or hydrogen peroxide. Don't forget furniture polish too. Try not to use aerosol sprays that vaporize the solution.

Be mindful of new things that you bring into your house. I had an interesting experience with my new washing machine. I began to get dizzy every time I used it and I could smell engine oil. I realized that the heat of the motor caused an out-gassing of the oils and plastics used in the internal parts. I had to put my air purifier right next to it to soak up the fumes or I would have vertigo by the evening.

Use natural products on your body. Makeup, shampoos, deodorant, lotions, sanitary napkins, soap etc. Get unbleached toilet paper, tissues, paper towels. Conventional santiary napkins and tampons may be loaded with chemicals and pesticide residue. There are substitutes for everything.

Clean out your garage. If your garage is attached to your house, the fumes from all the toxic products stored there, including the fuels, plastics and glues in you car, will infiltrate your house!

If you can, do some remodeling. Carpets and padding must be natural. Conventional carpets and padding out-gas forever. No synthetic rugs with stain treatment...wool and cotton are better. (Get an air purifier, if you can't remodel & even if you do.)

Put plants in your house. They help filter out indoor air pollution. English Ivy, Peacelilly, Cornplant, Chinese Evergreen etc.

Be careful about buying new furniture with the chemically coated fabrics and formaldehyde in the particle board, not to mention the toxic varnishes and stains. Go for used or pieces that you can finish yourself. Buy non-toxic paints and even then, stay out of the house until it is dry. There are environmental building centers where you can find all the alternative paint/varnish/glue products for your home.

When you insulate your roof or walls, make sure the insulation is formaldehyde-free.

Put filters on your shower to get the chemicals out. You don't want to breathe in those vaporized in your shower or absorb them through your skin. Filter your drinking water too.

Is your heating system gas or electric? Natural gas can cause allergic reactions.

Stay away from pesticides indoors or outdoors and no more lawn chemicals. I read somewhere about there being higher numbers of women with breast cancer living in homes that use yard chemicals. Why take that chance? There are safer alternatives.

Gas lawn mowers, leaf blowers etc., are more polluting than cars. Use a push mower, and electric weed whackers and your hands. It's good exercise.

Try to stay out of shopping malls with all the chemical-laden clothes and toxic building materials and cleaners and perfume counters. Perfume is such a huge offender. Don't wear it and ask all family and friends to leave it off when they are coming to your home. Try not to be in a closed in space it. Wash all new clothes and rinse with vinegar in the water.

Avoid brand new buildings or newly remodeled ones using conventional paints, carpets and glues. They still out-gas in older buildings, just not as much.

Did you know wrinkle free sheets and shirts are treated with chemicals to keep them looking that way? Some of those chemicals actually make it harder to fall asleep. Be aware that cotton is one of the most heavily pesticide-sprayed crops, try to buy organic.

Now you know that there are a lot of ways you can control chemicals in your environment. It may seem overwhelming, so just change one thing at a time. Before you know it, you will have created a safer home.

Remember, these sensitivities and allergies are just temporary if you rebuild your immune system with nutrition.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Could Magnetic Therapy Be The Answer To The Back Pain Insomniacs Dream?

Katie Blake, age 39, a married mother of two from Somerset, UK, began suffering from chronic back pain after a near fatal car accident which occurred in January 2006. She has recently been feeling very low, due to lack of sleep caused by her back condition. When asked how her back pain had been affecting her sleep, here’s what she had to say,

“Since suffering with chronic back pain after the accident, I’ve found that I constantly toss and turn from one side to another just to try and get some relief.

There are nights when the pain seems so unbearable, almost as though my lower back is splitting in two; that trying to change sides literally leaves me in tears. So, I prop myself up with cushions and try to force myself to lie still on my back, only to wake up as stiff as a board the next morning.

When you’ve got to get up early, to sort out two young kids on after virtually no sleep at all, well, what can I say, it’s no laughing matter is it!”

Unfortunately, Katie’s story is not an isolated one. In fact, just like you, she is among one of the thousands of chronic back pain sufferers, whose quality of sleep is affected in a negative way, by their pain.

Two Thirds Of Back Pain Sufferers Have Sleep Trouble

A recent study conducted by the National Sleep Federation revealed that:
  • As many as two thirds of chronic back pain sufferers have sleep trouble.
  • The more severe the pain, the more likely it is to affect sleep
  • Disrupted sleep can make the pain feel worse
  • Traditional pain relief medication, such as analgesics can disrupt the sleep patterns
and make getting to sleep more difficult.

Vicious Cycle

So as you can see, it’s pretty much a vicious cycle where you find it difficult to get to sleep because of the pain and the less sleep you get, the worse the pain feels.

Assuming you’ve been in the position, where you’ve experienced insomnia; you’re probably familiar with the effects it can have on your body, such as:
  • Feeling un-refreshed and lacking in energy the next morning
  • Poor concentration levels
  • Feeling irritable
  • Impaired ability to think and speak
In a moment, I would like to offer you a glimmer of hope in the form of a natural therapy that might just help you break ‘the more pain equals less sleep cycle’, that you’ve probably become accustomed to.

Therapeutic Powers

Today, I’d like to share information with you, about a therapy that promotes the deep and restorative sleep that has been eluding you all this time. I’m talking about the natural therapeutic powers of Magnetic Therapy.

You’re probably wandering what Magnetic Therapy can do for you; well, let me begin by telling you what it is.

Magnetic therapy can be defined as a safe, natural and non-invasive method of applying high strength magnetic fields to the body for therapeutic purposes. It is a form of complementary therapy based medicine used to treat certain medical conditions by exposure to permanent or pulsed magnetic fields.

It is truly a time-tested therapy, which has been around since 2000 BC. The Ancient Chinese, Egyptians, Indians and Greeks were among the first to use it and give recognition to its’ therapeutic benefits.

I feel it’s important to say that Magnetic Therapy isn’t used as some sort of mystical cure for ailments or diseases. Instead, it’s natural forces are used to kick-start your bodies own systems in to action. Next, we look at how it does this.

When high strength magnets are placed directly above the site of injury or near a major artery, they generate a localised Magnetic Field that is powerful enough to penetrate right through the skin and bones, down to the cells.

This magnetic field also triggers a chemical response, which causes the iron content in your blood to become responsive to it. This reaction results in improved blood circulation. One of the functions of blood, is to transport oxygen and nutrients from the heart to the cells, tissues and vital organs in the body.

Consequently, as the blood circulation system begins to improve, the knock on effect is that more oxygen and nutrients are transported directly to where it’s needed, i.e., to the damaged cells and soft tissues at the site of pain or injury.

On receiving the required fresh supply of blood, oxygen and nutrients, the bodies own healing processes can begin to work on repairing the damage to the cells and soft tissues at an accelerated rate. Whilst the bodies essential repair works get under way, the brain sends out signals to release the internal painkillers i.e. the Endorphins that get on with the job of relieving the pain.

As well as stimulating the bodies healing processes, the Magnetic Field also relieves pain, by tackling any inflammation present. It does this by drawing out excess fluid and toxins from the surrounding tissues and then expelling them on route via the Liver and Kidneys. Once the excess fluid and toxins are removed, the swelling will begin to reduce.

Now, you recall that earlier, I mentioned about Magnetic Therapy ‘promoting deep restorative sleep’, well stay tuned, because we’re going to get into that next.

Magnetic Therapy In Your Sleep

Here’s a fact for you,

Scientific research conducted by a key specialist in the area of Magnetic Therapy, namely, Dr. W.H. Philpott MD of Oklahoma has shown that effects of magnets are at their most powerful at night, and here’s why. Every living thing on this Earth is dependent on Magnetic Energy. In fact, the earth itself is a huge magnet, and as such produces natural Negative Magnetic Energy force.

During the day, we are exposed to the Positive Magnetic Force from the Sun and Negative Magnetic Force at night from the Earth.

The following explains the effects that each type of energy has on the human body.

Effects of Magnetic Energy

Positive Magnetic Energy from the Sun
  • Promotes deep and restorative sleep
  • Supports the healing process
  • Decreases inflammation and relieves pain
  • Increases cellular oxygen
Negative Magnetic Energy from the Earth
  • Stimulates wakefulness
  • Inhibits the healing process
  • Can increase inflammation and aggravate pain
  • Decreases cellular oxygen
According to Dr. W.H. Philpott’s theory on the effects of Magnetic Energy, the Pineal gland, located in the centre of the head, acts as a sort of control centre for the immune system, hormones, and enzymes in our bodies. This gland actually contains Magnetic crystals, and is acutely sensitive to the effects of Magnetic Energy.

The Pineal gland secretes the sleep hormone Melatonin throughout the night, when the Earth’s Negative Magnetic force is dominant. The body requires high levels of Melatonin to enable a good night’s sleep.

Significant advances in magnet technology have enabled scientists to duplicate the Earths negative energy and harness it in form of high strength magnets.

Therefore, when you use magnets to surround yourself in a Magnetic Field at night, the effects are intensified for two reasons, 1) The Earth’s Negative Magnetic Energy is at it’s most powerful and 2) The body is in its’ resting and healing phase. As such, you are able to benefit from:
  • A deep restorative sleep that will leave you feeling energised and refreshed when you awake
  • Improved circulation that will feed your cells with those vital nutrients and oxygen to enable faster healing
  • Reduced if not eradicated aches, pains and inflammation
  • The effects of the bodies resting stage, which allows the body to heal itself more efficiently at night.
Hopefully by now, you can begin to see how using Magnetic Therapy can help you break, the vicious more pain less sleep cycle.

In addition, it may interest you to know that there are self-help Magnetic Products readily available that are specifically designed, to provide this nighttime therapy. They are Magnetic Bed Pads or Magnetic Mattress Covers. These products have a series of high strength magnets sewn inside them. In addition, they have been clinically proven to be a safe and effective form of natural pain relief.

So, as I bring this article to an end I just want to say, don’t let back pain continue rob you of the deep restorative sleep that your body so desperately needs. Give Magnetic Therapy a try, who knows, it could work for you.

Donna Gray

  • The information in this article is intended for educational purposes only. The author of this article is not a medically trained physician; therefore, any theories or suggestions put forward are intended to supplement and not replace the advice of medically or legally trained professionals.
  • All matters concerning your health require medical supervision.
  • Please ensure that you consult your GP prior to adopting any suggestions put forward by Magnetics 4 Back Pain, as well as about any condition that may require medical diagnosis or medical attention.
  • Magnetics 4 Back Pain is not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury sustained either directly or indirectly from information put forward in this article.